A pit cooking workshop by Ghislain Amar & Joost Nieuwenburg
Together with dream team:
Angelica Falkening
Teddy Coste
Tor Jonsson
Ash Kilmartin
Collette Rayner
Timur Akhmetov
Merve Kılıçer
Lili Huston-Herterich
Jacqueline Rode
Jakob Forster
Mat Do
Mitchell Kehe
Cecilie Fyn Rafaelsen
Bart Oppenheimer
Generously hosted by Foundation BAD, Talingstraat 5, 3082 MG Rotterdam
Documentation below
Photos: Teddy Coste
BELOW'S TEXT was the invitation:
If you want to participate, please write us at to reserve a spot. The workshop is free.
Join us for a one-day underground pit-cooking (or earth oven) workshop in the garden of Foundation BAD in Charlois.
At its most basic, an earth oven is a pit in the ground used to trap heat and bake, smoke, or steam food. Earth ovens have been used in many places and cultures in the past, and the presence of such cooking pits is a key sign of human settlement often sought by archaeologists.
The day will be punctuated by different activities including cooking a vegetarian meal together using this ancient technique. Together we’ll dig up the results and conclude the day with slow cooked delights.
Bring warm shoes, warm and rainproof clothes because we will spend most of the day outside!
+31(0)6 39 78 37 27
Supported by Stichting Nac / Mya Fonds
Blankets: Ghislain Amar, F• R• I• E• N• D• S, series of acrylics on duvets and blankets, 120x150 cm, 2017